YouShape - where do we start?

Hello Gloucestershire Scouts!

Welcome to the first of our You Shape months where we will be giving you help and guidance in achieving your You Shape Badge! These months are being planned by all the County and District Youth Commissioners in Gloucestershire so ask your local one if you want even more ideas and information.

For leaders this will involve giving you activity ideas to run with your sections and for young people it will be about supporting and motivating you to shape your journey.

This first month is all about the Central Badge, which is quite fitting really considering that this first month is all about laying the groundwork and setting out what we want to achieve over the next four! The central badge is all about thinking about what you want to achieve, working out a plan of how to achieve it, and then going and getting it done, much like making pancakes. I want pancakes, this is how I’m going to make them, now let’s go and do it.

Here you can find an idea of an activity you can run with your section to help them on their way to achieving the central badge, with all the information you will need to lead them through the session. Remember, as with all aspects of the You Shape Award, the young people decide when they’ve achieved the award, not the leaders!

Go to the March YouShape page to see all the resources!

Have fun!

The Youth Commissioner Team