Carole’s blog #3 – Parenting and Scouting
Parenting isn’t always easy.
Although it’s often amazing and rewarding to watch our
children grow and to help them learn to be independent, it can also be really hard work. As
an adult in Scouting with a child doing their Scouting in the same group as you, can be
stressful. In today’s current circumstances you can often feel alone when trying to support
your child’s mental health needs. Juggling working from home, home learning and home
scouting can all get on top of you.
If you think your child is unhappy or if you are worried about their behaviour, it’s easy to be
hard on yourself, feel responsible and think you are not doing a good job.
Balancing your home life, working life and Scouting life is difficult at the best of times,
without the added changes COVID has placed on us all over the past few months.
Increasing numbers of parents have feelings of guilt stemming from either not spending
enough time with their children or not having enough time to dedicate to their work or
There is no need to feel guilty.
We are here to help you. Just reach out and we will offer a friendly ear and a virtual coffee.
Take care and keep safe