Yesterday, Colin (Steward), Rishona (Haigh-Neal) and I attended the Scout Association’s AGM in London.  After the formal business in the morning we spent the afternoon discussing what we understand by “Youth Involvement” and how we can make it happen.  We were asked to rate the degree of involvement young people have in decision making in Scouting in Gloucestershire on a 1 to 7 scale which was really difficult.

We could think of examples where young people in all sections actually had quite a high degree of involvement in planning and delivering programmes but we also recognised that there were times when either the views of young people were ignored or young people were used in a token way.  What we could agree on was that if the Movement is to continue to engage and inspire young people we need to work better with young people in the planning and delivery of the programme.

This applies in every section, from Beavers to Network, not just the older ones.  We can all learn from listening to youngsters more carefully which I know is not easy.  It requires patience, planning and imagination.  And it is not just section leaders who can benefit from Youth Involvement – Groups, Districts and County will all benefit from hearing the views of young people and enabling them to take decisions and implement them.  It will however require some effort from all of us as we adapt our customary approaches to those that will truly engage young people.

I have said a number of times now that I want Scouting in Gloucestershire to be about developing leadership skills amongst all members, whether young people or older members.  This is an example of an area where we need to modify our traditional approach in order to develop such skills and I would appreciate hearing your ideas in this regard.