County virtual meetings - Get involved!

Take part in our virtual meetings for young people.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our ability to deliver programmes and in some sections we know that this has been more difficult. 

As a county team, our role is to support you in delivering Inspiring programmes to as many young people as possible. To support, we are looking at facilitating the delivery of virtual section meetings using Zoom. These short, interactive and engaging meetings are aimed at helping those young people who do not currently have access to a digital programme continue to enjoy their Scouting.

We hope to run sessions for all sessions, but for now we have started with Cubs.

If you are a volunteer who has not been able to support young people with digital programmes, please do take this opportunity whilst we are unable to meet face to face, to promote these sessions.

Find out more here

If you’d like to get involved in supporting the delivery of these sessions to any section, please contact Chris Meadows.