Transforming Scouts - Digital support to get things done
In the research undertaken across a wide range of volunteers over a period of time, we have learnt that:
- The volunteers of tomorrow expect engaging digital support in all aspects of their volunteering. We do not have that today, so it is a gap we need to fill if we want to attract and retain great volunteers.
- Our current systems are no longer ideal for purpose and do not make managing membership easy.

Advances in both digital technologies to deliver and retain content as well as in digital devices to receive and transmit has meant the need to review the systems that we use in Scouts and produce and provide an up to date, robust and simpler system for all of our volunteers.
The development of the new management system is not just a replacement for Compass, it will bring together several strands of information channels and data storage into one, easily accessed and navigated place. The new system will provide:
- Better tools: easier to use, more flexible, less time consuming
- Simplified processes
- Volunteers much more in charge of their own learning and own information
- Multiple great tools accessed via the with a single log in
The membership system will incorporate three areas covering:
- New member joining
- Membership records
- Your learning
Further details including some screen shots and information around the new system will be available near the time that the tools are launched.
In the meantime, to help you start preparing and thinking about the changes , take a look at the information provided at the following links:
Significant work is underway in creating, refining, and testing the new membership system.
Current expectation is that it should be ready for use for the initial Transformation Cohort in late autumn 2023 and then for the rest of the UK in early 2024.
Work is currently underway to undertake the first phase of Compass Data Clean-Up as it is vital that we migrate accurate data to the new system later in the year.
All Groups, Districts across the County are / will be engaged in this extensive activity with clear and comprehensive guidelines being provided as and when required. This first phase needs to be completed on-time as it will be followed by further activity later in 2023.
What you can do NOW
You can help with this by ensuring your own Compass information and data are current and that you have unique email address (not shared with anyone else).
If you are a manager (Group Scout Leader, District Explorer Scout Commissioner, Network Commissioner, SAS Manager or DC) you can help by checking your team’s own information and encouraging or helping them.
There are four areas we can all support to make sure we are ready for the transition to our new membership system.
- Check and confirm every volunteer’s personal details are up to date on Compass (Personal contact details, emergency details and communications)
- Updating roles and training of all of our volunteers (only current active roles are shown and making sure all completed training is up to date)
- Closing any roles that are no longer needed (especially any Occasional helper roles that are not currently needed)
- Removing any email addresses that are “undeliverable” (where you may get a “Not delivered” reply)