Old for you, new for them!
- This activity is about getting the Beavers to share their favourite hobby and take it a step further with then leading others in their group through doing the activity.
- Prepare the Beavers by posing the question ‘What is your hobby?’ and then state that over the next few weeks, we are going to take it in turns talking about it, and that they will have the opportunity to lead the beavers through their hobby.
- When a Beaver is ready to share about their hobby to the group, set up the hall in a way that you would for any other session so that all Beavers are facing the front.
- Encourage the Beaver to share, based on the following questions:
- What made you like this in the first place?
- Why do you enjoy it?
- How often do you do it?
- Do you do it with anybody else?
- Then, if possible, encourage the beaver to try and teach the rest of the colony how to do it and allow them the time to share.
- If appropriate with time and resources, then the Beavers can do the activity, however, if unrealistic then suggest that beaver leads the rest of the group through a skill they have, or if they are happy to wait to lead then set up their lead session for a later date and ensure it is done.
Prompting questions
- Anything to help the leaders get the YP Involved and thinking
- Ask why?
Section: Beavers
Duration: 10-60 minutes
No. of Young People: 3+
- Chairs
- Any items the beavers need
What next?
- Ensure the YP gets the chance to lead
- If they really enjoyed it, maybe make it an entire session about their hobby/interest