Forum time!

  • Split the YP into groups so they can discuss:
    • Cubs: Think of a way your Pack could achieve a badge requirement
    • Scouts: Think of an idea that’ll help your Troop achieve a badge
    • Explorers: Think of a way to help people get better at something outside Scouts
  • Get each group to nominate a spokesperson so that they can share their ideas with the rest of the section.
  • If they struggle to come up with ideas, use the prompting questions or get them to use the ideas they came up with during their central badge activities.
Prompting questions
  • What activity or challenge badges would you like to do?
  • What activities have you done in the past that you have enjoyed?
  • What activities have you done in the past that you perhaps may not have enjoyed, but perhaps think of a way of making them more enjoyable?
  • Consider what equipment/material do you have available that may help you (e.g. food -> building towers out of marshmallows and spaghetti)
  • Scouts: Who are you thinking of helping? Are there any local community groups that you could run an activity for?

Section: Cubs, Scouts, Explorers

Duration: 30-90 minutes

No. of Young People: Any

  • Pen & Paper/ Whiteboard
  • Badge Books/Access to the scouts website
What next?